Ok, yes, I realize that's the longest title in the history of all mankind -- to match the longest post in history -- but once you read my tales of woe (not so much woe as just my own stupidity, haha), you'll understand.
So Friday night, Christie and I had tickets to see Gavin DeGraw at the Paradise. It was an amazing show, in spite of some of the stupid people around us. Some of my pics and vids (if you care to peruse) are here: http://s583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/megtully/
Anywho, that is not the "adventure" part of the night...
So, the club is conveiently located 2 shakes from one of the stops on the B Line. I don't know how much experience you girls have with the T...and the Green line in particular...but the B Line is pretty much the worst thing on earth. It's the line that goes through BU and it stops like every other block...which, while conveinient, makes for a maddeningly long train ride. Well, we get out of the show at like 12:15ish and skeddaddle over to the train. It was cold (we had decided to forgo coats because it was warmer ealier and we didn't want to carry them) and our feet hurt (we'd been standing since 8ish). Sooo, we finally get a train after waiting for about 5 minutes and we're honest to god the oldest people on the train. Whiny drunk college kids (who are probably all like 18...most of them probably weren't legal, lol) do not bring out the best in me.
Anywho, we get to Park Street to switch to the Red line (we'd parked in Quincy) at about 12:40. Well, that's just peachy since the last train to Braintree (aka, how to get to the Quincy T stops) leaves Park Street at 12:31...now, at the time, I was convinced that there was one sometime between 12:45 and 1, so I thought we were all good. Oh, but no we weren't. Because as it turns out the last Red line train is an Ashmont train...which does not stop anywhere near Quincy. Now, you can apparently get to Quincy by taking said Ashmont train to some random stop and getting a bus that goes to all of the stops on the Braintree line. First of all, I don't do buses. Secondly, I don't do buses at 1 in the morning in places where I don't know where the hell I am. And lastly, I don't ride the Ashmont line ever -- it goes through Savin Hill, which is affectionately known in my family (and Christie's actually, lol) as "Stab and Kill."
So, at this point I'm starting to freak out a little bit. Mostly because the ever helpful T employees hadn't quite yet made it clear how people waiting for a Braintree train were supposed to be getting to their chosen destinations. My mom had asked me to call her when we got on the Red line so that she could make sure the door was unlocked (I didn't bring house keys). My phone had died -- clearly, the whole night was just piss poor planning on my part -- so I was using Christie's. So, I explained the situation and I'm sure it was obvious that I was less than impressed with my current situation. And Mama Tully was not impressed either. So, in spite of the fact that it was like 1 in the morning, she hauled my dad out of bed to come pick the two of us up in Boston. We'd decided to get off the train at South Station and just wait there until my parents got in to town...
Only, apparently South Station closes -- as in they kick people out and you can't get in -- at like 12:30 or 1. So, now we're off the train and locked out of South Station. Without coats. It was bad news bears. We did happen to have a lovely chat with 2 girls about our age who had missed their train to Worcester and were also locked out of the station. It was cold and creepy and eerily desolate. I did not like it. My darling enabling parents arrived like a half hour later with coats and the heat on full blast in the car. We couldn't get into the station in Quincy to get Christie's car (not a huge deal because she was sleeping over), so we just came home -- which put us in the house at like 2:30.
So there you have it. It's not a particularly well told story (it's not really the best story to begin with anyway, lol), but I thought you girls would appreciate my misfortunes. Feel free to lol...I certainly have about the whole thing.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Adventures in the Metropolis...a.k.a. The MBTA is Ruining my Life...a.k.a. What Kind of City Shuts Down by Midnight?
Posted by Tully at 7:38 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
I love my ladies!
I love you ladies so much!
I got your card in the mail today (finally!) and I just LOVE it! It really made my day. I've been super stressed and now I'm sick (it's official Maria, so I hope you don't get sick now too) and I really needed it. I can't wait to take picture together when I'm home! :)
Also, I would like to point out that the merge is apparent even in your card because it says "putI don't know if all 4 of us will fit."
Oh the merge! I love it.
Posted by Fountain at 6:52 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Where have all the updates gone?
So we need to update this more.
Posted by Meg at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
HAPPY EASTER MY DEARIES!!! I hope that the Easter Bunny was good to every single one of you!
Also, Praino, I'm thinking that we should add bunnies to the list of animals at the miniature creatures farm...I mean, look at them...
Love you all!!!
Posted by Tully at 3:55 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Ladies, I was promised photos of the Prain-over that happened yesterday. Where are they? Let's get on this...I need to see what magic you pulled!
Also, I'm still frightened by Maria's text about my stance on velvet dresses. Terrified actually.
Not going to lie, this is what I had in mind...
Posted by Fountain at 1:03 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I love this bitch
I know you do too Maria. Here is a stripped performance of "Poker Face" and i love it!
Posted by Meg at 12:21 AM 0 comments