Praino said something that sparked the creative side of me tonight. Much like the shark photo from last night, I give you this gem....
Yes, that IS Maria and Praino merged. Much like they were pretending to do when on gchat that one time. It's magic.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Again, thanks to Praino
Posted by Fountain at 12:40 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sharks cross bred with people
Thanks to Praino's post about the Apple Pears and writing a caption about crossing sharks with people, I decided to make this gem...
Posted by Fountain at 1:15 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Entourage Thanksgiving Flashback
Tonight, I decided to have some wine with a friend after a short, but random road trip. I peeled the wrapper off the top of the wine to discover that it was a good wine and would need a bottle opener, instead of just being able to twist off the cap like most cheap wines I've been getting.
Because I am now on my own, you can bet that I panicked, thinking I did not have a bottle opener. In the drawer however, I found something, something that can be used to open wine.
Yes indeed, it was one of these, only a step up for the corkscrew we attempted to use during the infamous Entourage Thanksgiving. As I looked at the fated corkscrew in dismay, I suddenly flashed back to our awesome night of debauchery, randomness, wine and turkey. What happened in my kitchen was quite reminiscent of this:
It was magical. However, unlike that fateful night of Maria spouting off about potentially being covered in wine and getting pulled over and getting a DUI because I didn't have a wine opener that went like "this" (imagine Maria moving her arms down like the wine opener she was mimicking), I managed to get the cork out!
It was magical. Birds chirped, angels sang, and I got to drink my bottle of wine. I have to say I'm very proud of myself. I didn't think it could be done, getting a cork out without the fancy opener. I was wrong. I now know that I am safe to live on my own because I took on a cork and I won!
Posted by Fountain at 2:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New place!
So ladies, sorry I've been MIA for awhile now. I finally am "settled" in my new apartment and I did the rewrite on my comprehensive exam that I failed in May. Hopefully I passed this time, otherwise I'm kicked out of grad school. I spent some time studying with another professor in the department so with her coaching I may have pulled this off. I should find out by Tuesday.
I have grad student orientation tomorrow from 10-12:30. I get to meet all the new grads and scare them about how awful the first year is going to be. I'm thankful to not be one of them anymore! :)
My job has been kicking my ass. That's been great. I love that I have a 20 hour per week contract and I routinely work at least 30 hours. What's super awesome is that whenever one of the other grads put in extra hours, they subtract from the next week to "keep it all evened out." I hate them. I especially hate one of them, Brad. I may have mentioned him before. He nicknamed himself "Beer Guy" Tribble, because his first initials are BG. Ugh. Hate him. He complained about me to our boss too about not bending to his will and dropping whatever I'm working on to do things for him. I still haven't had time to talk to my bosses about him though because I actually do work every day instead of playing Farm Town and Mafia Wars on Facebook. So weird that I can't find extra time to complain about people...
Anyway, my apartment is starting to look better because I actually have some furniture and I bought some pictures to hang up and I got a scarf for the living room window. I need to take new pictures (I posted initial ones on Facebook) but I'm waiting to actually finish putting things away and decorating a little bit more. (Maria, I have managed to collect a lot of furniture for free because dumpster diving + spray paint = awesome, so our future apartment won't be so empty any more!)
Anyway, I hope all is well with you ladies. I expect updates on the blog now of all your lives since we clearly have a lot of stuff going on right now and aren't communicating a whole lot at the moment.
Oh, and don't forget that I'm going to Florida in October because of our friendship and the paper I wrote with all your answers! :) And by Florida I mean Disney! :)
Posted by Fountain at 8:07 PM 0 comments