Sunday, November 30, 2008

Maria's baking

Side note: I baked some quiche and it was amazing.

Also: Didn't burn down the house.


Our very own CAKE WRECK!

To quote Praino, "It's a FIAL so good, it's a win!"
My tagline for this cake is, of course, "It's a cake made of fail, with a side of love."

i need to add this to the cake-fail fun!

so heres the pic.

and you need to read the caption that went with it: "Yeah, or torn limb from limb. Are those my wings behind me? 'Cuz I think they're on fire."

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ultimate FAIL!

Thanks to Praino for introducing me to Cake Wrecks the blog, I found this gem....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

For Maria...(and Praino)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Mega FAILblog post

OK so i went of failblog, and loled for an hour. here are some of my highlights.

An Entourage Def

it begain like this:

Fountain: We should have more status conversations on other people's statuses. Is that even the plural of status? Would it be stati? Or is it like sheep and it's always just status?

Praino:hmmmm statuses i think is correct.

however, stati is much more amusing.


Stati: noun; The conversation(s) that take place between two or more people on another party's, not involved in conversation, facebook.

A Nice Dose of Lolcats


So go here

and then i found this within the post, omg the lulz

So I fail at posting lately

so i m hoping this will make up for it. :)


now maria, you would find this hilarious if you watched the doctor who episode blink- in fact watch it, its a doctor -lite ep and its like a really smart movie, and it will scare the shit out of you. :

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Entourage Soundtrack!

Ok, so I feel like Praino because I figured out how to make my own ringtones and sound bites for text messages. This means that I need you ladies to tell me what song you think works best as the Entourage theme song (for our very special entourage) and let me know so I can make it into a ringtone so when you call/text I know immediately that it's one of my loves and I need to answer ASAP without even having to look.


Words to Live By...

So, darlings, I've got a new theory, based largely on the fact that I deal with a whole lot of idiots on a daily basis. And by idiots, I mean people who:

A.) Think that, for whatever reason, they are better than me and can therefore order me around
B.) Think that I'm stupid and secondguess everything I do
C.) Are just plain stupid
D.) All of the above

So...I've decided that whenever I have to deal with these people from now on, I'll respond with on or the other of the following (and maybe even both if the situation calls for it)...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Reference!

See...I read sometimes!

Don't do it!

Tully and Praino, just because you think your current jobs suck does NOT mean you should consider grad school to put off the real world. Grad school sucks. I hope to return to the real world RIGHT NOW to end this pain!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Still made of win

21,662 / 70,000

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just for Maria

This sums up the Entourage...

Changed the Template

Hey ladies

I was feeling Chrismasy/Wintery so I changed the background.

let me know if you hate it, feel its too early etc etc. i saved the last template html codes so i can just paste it back :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

OMG - I'm amazing

18,897 / 70,000

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some Twilight LULZ

HAHAHAHA omg Rpattz is hilarious. Watch around 3:30 and hes like "yeah stephanie meyer is mad." i loled so hard.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I found this gem in my computer

Hey ladies!

I was cleaning out my hard drive and i found this video! enjoy the lulz!

NaNoWriMo Maria - Week 1

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