* Praino was a mess (as usual) both when Tully and I arrived at her house.

* Maria's cousin popped her cherry in London and the accidental gift I brought home went to good use somewhere.
* Praino was fascinated by the packet of lube that came in her gift from me. Please note that the gift also came with condoms and a tattoo that says "Mama told me to play it safe."
* Maria made a face at Praino that was so great, we made her make it again to capture it in photo. Please note, I have no idea why she made the face now...
* We went to the Olive Garden for a lovely lunch and shared breadsticks and salad.

* Praino also managed to burn her finger on the appetizer Tully picked out for us, which was delicious.

* Praino used ice from her Sprite to bathe her wounds...
* We learned that I have had Jessica Simpson HairDo hair extensions for some time now and never shared this secret with anyone...

* We saw Transformers together. Maria and I saw it for the second time. The movie was overall good, except for that part near the end. I don't even really want to talk about it, that's how disappointing it was. Also, they built in convenient story points that were dropped and never questioned...like the chick being a Decepticon.

* As movie watchers, there are also things we can choose to accept and believe, and some things we simply cannot. For example, we can accept and believe there's an alien robot race out there in the world. No problem. However, we CANNOT believe that this bitch can run in stilettos and keep white pants clean while running around in Egypt. See the difference?
(Yes, her pants are dirty in the picture, but I couldn't find one when they were clean...who would see the movie if they knew her white pants were either so scotch guarded they were uncomfortably stiff or she emptied 834 Tide To Go pens on them?)
* The cute Decepticon who became a pet and switched to the Autobot side was forgotten halfway through the movie. Lame. Here's Wheelie though for you!

* Maria and Praino started yelling "STARSCREEEEEAAAAAM!" at each other after the movie. That was memorable.
* We watched Wolf Lake at Praino's house and saw Creepy LDP, who is, without a doubt, creepy...
* Praino and Maria are going to the crazy moon to land the crazy flag by canoeing on a row boat through a sea of LULZ with the boat powered by Lulz and Pinto entwined as the "ship's" masthead. Video to follow.
* Finally, we took another group picture. The waitress took the worst picture ever on my camera, so hopefully the one on Praino's is better...
I missed you ladies and had a great time with you! I can't wait for you all to come visit me now! :)