You have permission to lock me and Maria away.
Ok so Maria just for LULZ i looked up if there were any Xena/Other Nerdtastic conventions coming our way a la the Anime one-- which reminds me, I have to tell you about this crazy girl I went to school with and her crazy pics of dressing up for that thing.
And then I found these pics..........I do have to say that bitch looks like Lucy Lawless- maybe its a wax figure?
Wax-figure and some viking chick-i think.
A Doctor Who Convention- not going to like if I was British and could get away with it I would totes be Rose shooting a Dalek with a big ass gun.

Also I am so damn tired, I dont even know how this post happened. Even I m appalled by this shit.
so...are there any conventions coming? Because this did nothing to warn me off them.
no there are no conventions coming from what i could tell. seems we already missed the main one for this year and it was in CA.
New mission for you: get over your fear of flying so we can go to one!
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