Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Praino's Office
So we had a big company meeting today from the heads out in Ohio. No lie one the guys wore a pink shirt with a suit and looked just like Jose Cansaco. I think it may even be him in disguise.
Posted by Meg at 1:43 PM 0 comments
A Miracle
I forgot to mention that a miracle happened Monday night.
I found the flash drive that I lost over a year ago with ALL my research on it!
Here's the story: Lisa gave me a key to the development office at my internship that day. When I came home, I of course, dropped the key somewhere. So I grabbed a flashlight and headed outside to search for it. I started by looking inside the car, under the seat, and there it flash drive!!! (And a lip gloss I had been looking for, but that's not nearly as important.)
I also found the key, for those who were wondering.
Posted by Fountain at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Children part 2
Ok after this i am done with posting for awhile, you bitches pick up the slack.
It starts to get scary:
and then the finale:
Posted by Meg at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Ok, so i finally uploaded some vids here
Maria Attacks Fountain, and quite right to:
Fountain gets a guilt trip:
I will add more as I upload them :)
Posted by Meg at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Yesterday (monday) the hospital drained what soul was left in my body from Amanda's the night before, therefore... I did not post. (Instead I had Summer Ale with a friend... and thought about the adventures of the previous evening.)
A heads up to my English major friends: I scored a 4 on the AP English exam, but sometimes overlook grammar when I get carried away by stories/thoughts/anything really. Don't hate.
While entouraging, something terrible happened. "Terrible" in fact, doesn't come close to describing these.... children. They are the dark side. My ovaries exploded upon themselves and I am now sterile for having met them. I imagine their father cries himself to sleep every night... (my dad has three daughters and he comes damned close, so I believe triplet girls of that age and level of insanity would cause mass destruction of the tear ducts).
Indeed, it was quite a night.
A reminder: this friday night at 8pm, there will be a bon voyage for Ms. Amanda at the Yangtze China Inn in West Bridgewater. The restaurant is on Rt. 28 and easy to find. Give me a shout if you want to come and need directions!!
Posted by brie at 8:36 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Best Thing I have ever made
Listen to the backing track-- perfect.
Posted by Meg at 8:56 PM 4 comments
Praino and Tulls: A Reflection
Part One:
Part Two:
Posted by Meg at 7:43 PM 10 comments
Lunchtime you know what that means
Ok blog time. I currently am eating a cheese sandwich, pringles chips, soda and chocolate pudding, this is not including the bag of milanos i keep with me at all times.
SOOO anyways lasy night i tried to post me and tulls EPIC commentary. However, it failed to go up- so it will put on youtube later, then linked. you'll enjoy it, i know i did.
i also put some of the smaller ones up on facebook for you guys, for some reason it is easiler to upload things there, whatever, i ll post it here tonight too. i just have to say, the one that takes place in fountains room makes me laugh like nothing else, i was having a spasm from laughing and trying not to make noise last night.
i think i may make one with the kids using music, like from JAWS or some kind of murder movie, if you have song suggestions let me know.
ok thats it for now, not so much a blog as random thoughts but ehh you love it.
Posted by Meg at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Because Praino has been waiting oh so patiently...
Ok, so I promised you girls a story from the John Mayer concert. It would probably be a lot funnier as told from Christie's point of view because...well, you'll understand, I think. So here it goes...
Entourage confession - I COMPLETELY fangirled out at the John Mayer concert - but not over John Mayer.
So Christie and I are sitting impatiently in our seats, waiting for the show to start. Now, mind you, we were sitting third row center, so pretty much right in front of the stage. We'd been sitting for a few minutes when I happened to look up to see a small group of people walking in front of us (presumably on the way to their seats). Well, I instantly recognized the person walking at the front of said group - it was Matt Cassel, the Patriots' backup quarterback. You all know I'm a big Patriots' fan - and I may or may not have a big crush on Matt. So I kind of started to freak out and I smacked Christie's leg (ok, so I get a little violent when I'm overexcited) and essentially I was all "OMFG, it's Matt Cassel." And as if that wasn't enough to make me fangirl, after Matt and the two girls behind him walk by, I'm looking at the guy at the end of their little train and try to register who he is because he looks awfully familiar. Then it hits me that it's Stephen Gostkowski (Patriots' kicker) who I might love more than Tom Brady. At this point I don't entirely remember what happened - I think it was a fangirl blackout - but I'm pretty sure I just continued with a string of "OMG, OMG, OMG" under my breath. For realsies, I may have been entirely breathless over the whole situation for a moment or two. Christie thought it was absolutely hysterical - like laugh until your ribs hurt hysterical. I say it's just because she doesn't appreciate them; she works at all of the home football games, so she sees them all the time. I promise I will get her to write out her account of the whole story though, because like I said, you'll probably see the humor from her point of view better.
So there you have it. I'm probably the only girl who can go to a John Mayer concert, whose biggest fangirl moment isn't over John Mayer (although there was definitely some fangirling there, too), but two football players.
The end.
Posted by Tully at 12:41 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Shower
Do you know what would have been more fun than planning a bridal shower? Stabbing myself with one of the pens that have uplifting wedding-related saying over and over until dead.
Yesterday, I went to the house to get the yard and house ready. B's mom was there cleaning the inside of her house. She and I went to the yard. I did yardwork. She mowed the lawn, I got the weedwhacker started and went to work with that, and then I snipped and pruned her flowers that were dead and needed to be cleaned up. Her mom, mercifully, cleaned her whole house. I was thrilled that she spent a lot of time in the bathroom. B and her boyfriend, are slobs.
So after being in 90 degree, humid sun, we had to put up the tents. One of them we had to do twice because the canopy part was put on inside out. I am now a tent putting up professional. Seriously, call me when you need a tent put up. I can do it blindfolded by myself at this point.
My mom had previously gone out and gotten all sorts of party essentials like: table clothes, napkins, forks, knives, spoons, cups, center pieces, favors (little votive candles and cute bags to put them in), aluminum trays for food, the canisters to keep food hot and things like that. We also bought all the stuff to make a macaroni salad, a pasta salad, meatballs and ziti with meatsauce. Also, she got stuff to make punch as well as a case of water as requested by B. My mom only spent $60 on everything she got that day. She said that the three bridesmaids should be splitting the costs of party gifts; B refused saying "I didn't want to get all that extra stuff because we don't need it and I didn't want to spend any more on this."
I became angry. All she was spending on this party was stuff to make a caesar salad, her mom made egg salad sandwhiches, a veggie tray and iced tea. The third bridesmaid, got off with a cake and chicken salad sandwhiches. B asked one of the guests to make a fruit salad and another guest to bring cookies.
I can't believe she didn't think we needed table clothes, and napkins. How ridiculous is that?
Also, I supplied all four tables for eating, a small table for keeping advice cards and the basket for cards and cups with pens.
So basically here, I supplied just about everything for this party. This morning, B called me to say I needed to call Sarah and distract her by saying I would meet her for coffee after her appointment at Venus di Milo this morning. I called B back and said I had done enough for this party and I wasn't going to do it. She was not happy with me.
I am still angry about this damn party. I can't even put it into words. Although, after a few drinks tomorrow, I might be able to for you. This story is actually much longer, but I'm bored now.
Posted by Fountain at 9:59 PM 8 comments
Wedding Post - Maria Style
Hey ladies,
Posted by Maria at 9:21 PM 7 comments
Entourage Secrets and Confessions
Ok, so this secret and confession is so big, I emailed it to all of you because I can't risk it being online for all to see.
That's right. This is big.
Also, when you read the email the following will make much more sense:
I came home from the bridal shower (which will be blogged about later) and changed into bermuda shorts and a maroon crappy Old Navy tank top. My hair got pulled back into a clip and just has stayed that way with little pieces falling out everywhere. I'm wearing old/gross flip flops. And I'm utterly exhausted from prepping for the shower yesterday and then throwing the shower today. I was out grocery shopping and then going on a beer run for the party tomorrow.
Why is that how I always look when I run into people I want to impress!!?????
Posted by Fountain at 8:54 PM 7 comments
It has been over 36 hours since someone last made a post- girls get on it.
Posted by Meg at 12:01 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Entourage Secrets and Confessions-3
As promised, here is my latest entry of secrets and confessions. Brace yourself girls for some serious lulz.
OK here it is, well you need a set up first so i wont be judged so harshly... maybe. But as a kid i loved this cheesy, campy show. One day at like FYE i saw a used season for sale, and my impulsive inner child bought it. Then I started to collect the rest of the series as well. Um, well, so i guess what I am trying to say is that i own the entire series of Xena: Warrior Princess thats right, the warrior princess. I should also mention that almost all of my knowledge of mythology of the Greeks and Romans stemmed from this show-- and part of why i took latin in high school.
Photographic evidence of shame:
Batman does not approve
Xena, however, does approve:
Posted by Meg at 12:11 AM 9 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Dual Purpose Post
Ok, so I want Praino to post a confession, so that's purpose #1.
Second purpose, because I love you all. Go there.
It's tons of Twilight/RPattz/Awesomeness. It includes a completed scene (where James is in the dance studio with Bella).
I hope none of you have seen it yet!!!!
Posted by Fountain at 11:23 PM 8 comments
OOOHhhh i just got an inspired idea for my next "entourage confession" and its a doozy, but i m not posting it until you guys make some kind of a post as well... i dont want to be a blog whore, well i do- but i dont
Posted by Meg at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Only two blogs today, really girls we can do better
Where are you bitches at?
I miss you and your posts, when there is nothing new i feel responsible to write one.... me and responsibility dont go well together as you can guess- makes me feel like a grown up.
But i found this on ONTD today, is amazing, tulls i know you will appreciate it :)
For some random reason i feel that fountainwould be goth!cinderella, dont even ask me why.
Posted by Meg at 10:48 PM 10 comments
Lyrics of the Day...
Hello my dears! Since I spend most of my day listening to music, I've got lyrics oozing out my ears. So to add to our eclectic little mix of posts, I'll probably be putting lyrics up every now and then (or more than that, who knows). Not necessarily anything of particular significance, just whatever is stuck in my head. Since I listened to this CD about 3 times before lunch yesterday, I'll start with these...
I don't care for your fairy tales,
You're so worried 'bout the maiden, though you know she's only waiting
On the next best thing.
I don't care, I don't care,
You're worried 'bout the maiden, though you know she's only waiting
Spent her whole life being graded on the sanctity of patience,
And a dumb appreciation,
But the story needs some mending, and a better happy ending,
Cause I don't want the next best thing, no, no, no,
I don't want the next best thing.
Posted by Tully at 12:25 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mayday! Mayday!!
Posted by Maria at 6:36 PM 6 comments
A Praino Lunchtime blog
Ok my office is cold. Usually I put on a sweater is all is cool- no pun intended- however, today is freezing and my hands feel like ice. Like if i came up behind you and put my mitts on you, you would think it is the icy hand of death.
as a result i may bring in my fingerless gloves tomorrow even if i dont want to look like Bob Cratchit a la "A Christmas Carol" it may become a nescessity ( i am also working on another christmas book so that may be why it is in the front of my mind.) below is two versions of ol' bob, i couldnt decide which one was more me- but notice that both are animals that talk so i dont know what that says about me.
ETA: ok this comp fails, i repost the pics later- for reference it was mickey mouse and kermit the frogs protrals of bob chatchit
ETA: part 2 Fixed
Posted by Meg at 1:41 PM 7 comments
To my ladies
Hey girls,
I got my hair did today, here is a pic of emo!praino, personally i think this pic is full of lulz.
Also this post has been approved by my future baby daddy RPattz
and nurse!joker (sorry these are crap quality, i blew up lj icons)
Posted by Meg at 12:04 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Entourage Sunday!
I'm so excited that the whole Entourage is going to be there on Sunday!!!!
Let me know if you need directions to my house again. I promise that no one needs to prepare a turkey this time and I will most definately be there before all of you arrive. Even though it is fun to be greeted by my lovely ladies in the kitchen when I get home! :)
Also, feel free to bring any of the extended Entourage along.
Posted by Fountain at 11:07 PM 5 comments
I'm worried for her safety.
Praino - are you ok?
ETA: I'm done writing for the night and this is what I got.
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7,378 / 70,000 (10.5%) |
Posted by Maria at 9:42 PM 8 comments
Writing post - novel length
Posted by Maria at 9:26 PM 7 comments
Blog is working again!
Posted by Maria at 9:03 PM 10 comments
You are all cordially invited to a shin dig at my house on Sunday, July 27 at 5pm.
My mom is throwing me a party for no reason at all. So weird...
There will be plenty of alcohol because, and I quote "I want all this gone so when we take a road trip (for no reason at all) your brother won't be able to have it and throw a party."
Posted by Fountain at 3:12 PM 7 comments
This book i am working on has OXFORD COMMAS- LIKE WHOA.
i feel that james whats-his-name would be proud. i would tell him, but i am afraid i would get his crazy chain letter/reply all/ retarded emails.
Posted by Meg at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Tulls, this one is dedicated to you :)
Alright, so last night I got home, dead tired so i am on the couch, awake but not processing anything. So Mama Praino comes in and turn the tv to some station- i zoned out/ passed out for a few minutes then i wake up and recognize the show- its "Gossip Girl" so i am like mom, "do you know what you are watching? thats its technically a teen show?"
She looks over at me, as if I were retarded and says "yes, i know what it is." then she proceeds to give me a synopsis of the episode; but it seems like she knows more ex. "oh hes so and sos father" so i have come to the conclusion that my mom is a closet Gossip Girl fan.
Posted by Meg at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Beautiful Men Post
Since we dont get beautiful men morning emails anymore....fountain.. i decided to make a beautiful men post. Mostly because I want to post this picture of Christian Bale. With all our talk of the Joker we may be overlooking well this wonderfulness...
Its not from Batman, not sure what movie it is from but they post it on ONTD every time there is a Bale post, and its fucking hot. OK girls someone else post some pretty men.
This post has been approved by the Joker ( and his forearms)
Posted by Meg at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Entourage Confession
Time for another Entourage Confession:
I am in love with someone who doesn't exist.
And is a vampire.
With morals.
I'm in love with Edward ladies!
Posted by Fountain at 2:24 PM 1 comments
I'm done with Twilight.
Here is a picture.
Posted by Fountain at 2:05 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Awesome Trailer at "The Dark Knight"
I FINALLY saw the twilight trailer last night and there much much excitement. I contained myself however, my inner fangirl was SQUEEING out. I also feel that this pic is appropriate:
ALSO TDK is fucking fierce, you all need to see it, amazingness.
Posted by Meg at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Happy Dance
I'm already 2 pages into Chapter 4! I even woke up early to write (that's crazy talk).
Also, I like the pics. I feel they make the post worth reading.
Posted by Maria at 11:12 AM 2 comments
Ok, so this has gotten so out of control that I've started dreaming about Robert Pattison.
And then I was all.jpg)
This has got to stop....
....or at least get more graphic.
Posted by Maria at 8:40 AM 2 comments
It's 2am
Ok, so I just wanted to share that I might be throwing myself in front of a train soon. Be on the lookout for that.
I hate trying to keep up with your ridiculous postings Maria and Praino! It's especially bad because I an 418 pages into Twilight and only understand half of your damn references!!!!
Posted by Fountain at 2:17 AM 4 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Maybe Praino and I should be limited to so many posts a day.....
Posted by Maria at 4:52 PM 8 comments
Posted by Maria at 4:42 PM 10 comments
Dear Tully,
Since you have avoided answering this question in email format, I'm going to get you here.
Are you coming down the cape with us on August 1st?
If you don't answer, I will find you and kill you.
Also, Edward will never love you.
ETA: And Jacob will imprint on you (thanks to Prain)
Posted by Maria at 2:21 PM 14 comments
Entourage Secrets and Confessions-2
OK today's confession- i may have downloaded some of the songs from "Camp Rock" featuring the Jonas Brothers.
Yea thats a weak one, but its all i got right now.
To add some spice to this post I give you Edward Cullen:
Posted by Meg at 1:44 PM 14 comments