So it's Entourage confession time we all remember the LiLo movie from a few years back - Just my Luck? If not, totally cool, you probably don't want to remember it, lol. But there's a band in the movie - a poptastic British foursome called McFly. They're a real band and I kind of, sort of love them. It's cheesy pop music to the max, but it's fun. And I was listening to this song today and it seems oddly appropriate for the crazy stressful weeks we've all had. Sometimes a girl just needs her Entourage...
The world would be a lonely place,
Without the one that puts a smile on your face.
So hold me til the sun burns out,
I won't be lonely when I'm down.
Cuz I've got you
To make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer

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