Ok, so my internet has been absolutely haywire for the past few days, hence the prolonged absence, but I'm still here. Hope all is well for everyone. I wish I came bearing more exciting news or funny stories, but I've got nothing of the sort. However, I do have a picture of my new haircut finally. It's not a fun emo self portrait, but it's all I've got...

Ooohh its cute! I like it :)
How are things in Tully's world?
Tully! It's so short! I like it though!
Also, was that a child's arm in the picture?
Aw, thank you ladies.
Things are good in Tully's world...absolutely insane, but good.
And yes, that is a child's arm in the picture...he was trying to strangle me with my necklace.
No good can come from children Tully. How many times do I need to tell you that?
Go back a few (hundred) posts and I think you'll remember exactly why children are bad...
but at least it is only an arm and not a full child..... but still trying to kill tulls-- not cool ( and btw i almost just spelled cool with a "k".. yea like "kool")
and children are horrible, dirty creepy little things.
PS i am glad you survived tulls :)
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