Monday, January 19, 2009


I would like to pose a question: is there something in male DNA that makes them inherently assholes? If so, is there some kind of virus we can develop using the collective brain of the Entourage to destroy this gene or piece of DNA?

Reflect and respond.


Meg said...

Hmmm, I do believe it is in their DNA, its too widespread not to be. And I think we need to create a vaccine- you know like for the measles- to eliminate this part of them.

However, I know nothing about DNA except it has a double helix, so we will need to find us a scientist.

Tully said...

I concur with Praino. There is most definitely something in their DNA that needs to be altered as soon as possible.

Who do we know that's handy with science things?

Tully said...

I'm hogging the comment page...

Did I ever tell you the A=C theory that my friends and I came up with in high school? It's mathematical, sort of, but quite ingenious. It goes a little something like this (this isn't the exact wording that we used to have, but it's close enough):

A = Boys

B = Boys are stupid

C = Stupid


A = C

Fountain said...

I like the mathematical equation there that proves what we've always known.

Let's hire us a scientist! Praino, get on that!