Thursday, February 5, 2009

Are we still friends?

Yes, you read that title correctly. It's the title to my new research project. The FULL title is: Are we still friends? Maintaining long-distance friendships.

Can you perhaps guess what inspired this research topic? You are correct. The Entourage. Be prepared to be involved in this research. You get to talk to me. It'll be great. I miss you lovely ladies so much, it inspired me to incorporate you all into my newest project.

Let me know what you think about this. Keep in mind I'm forced to do a qualitative project and have to do something this semester that researches something. I figured you ladies would be more fun to research than anything else. Plus I miss you so terribly.


Meg said...

Aww we get to be research! I've always wanted to be a subject of some sort.

And we really are the best kind of research, you get to so work and lol at the same time.

Maria said...

Praino - you're very existence is scientific research gone wrong.

Fountain - I am honored to be the star of your paper

Tully said...

I always knew that we should be the focus of extended research. Is this how we'll be famous?

Meg said...

Two things:

Maria: take that back, you love me and you know it.

Tulls: I hope how this is how we get to be famous- I think we would be fantastic celebrities. :)

Tully said...

I also feel the need to point out that us being the subject of research reminds me of Pinky and the Brain (in a good way, of course, because that show was totes fab). Cue the theme song, girls...

Fountain said...


Praino - you really SHOULD be the subject of scientific research, for multiple reasons.

Maria - I totes had you in mind when developing this project, hence you will be the star.

Tully - Yes. This is how you all will become famous and Maria and Praino ARE Pinky and the Brain...