Thursday, February 26, 2009

So I won't ever forget to not drink soda near my precious angel again

I give you the yesterdays Tale of Woe.

So, as you well know, and is well-documented, I am something of a
klutz/ moron when it comes to certain things.

Well, last night I came upstairs, with my bag, computer and a bottle
of soda. I put them on my bed, as I have done a thousand times and
went to the bathroom. I come back in and I see my soda is spilled all
over my comforter. Quickly, I looked to my computer *whew* it didn't
spill on it. So I pick it up to check; strange it was wet on the
bottom- oh well, so I clean up the little soda there. Then I open it
up. Doesn't go on, it should since it was in "sleep" mode. Push the
power button. Nothing. No power light, no screen goes on.

Did the battery die? Wait whats that....... OH DEAR GOD ITS LEAKING
OUT OF THE CD DRIVE!!!!! I then turn my precious angel on its side in
a vain attempt to get out the vile liquid from inside. I moved to the
floor so that it drips onto a nearby towel. I think I just starred at
it for several minutes. Then I ran to the closet looking for the box
the computer came it, with all the warranty information.

Praino is freaking by now and doesn't know what to do. In some blur I
clean my bed of the soda soaked sheets. As I get to the laundry room I
decide to tell my mom, whose room is next door. It wasn't late so I
assumed she was up. I go in and try to talk but it all comes out a
hysterical mess. My mom thought someone had died the way I carried on.
My dad yelled and I said something bitchy to him then ran back to my

I then sat down and proceeded to cry. There are few things I cry
about; sometimes my shows make me cry or movies, but usually I can
deal with real life ok. Yea, no, this was my electrical child and it
felt like it had been killed by shaking baby syndrome or something.
My sainted mother then came in and comforted me in my great distress.
We then found the warranty- which she got to last until 2010. She got
the good once since my last computer also had an incident with my
just-dumped-brother, his fist and the screen.

Good side is the battery is not dead. I took it out last night because
I didn't want the computer to explode in my sleep. it was blinking
today, so thats good. And I just moved a bunch of stuff to my external
(which I got super cheap at the now defunct Circut city).

But still, greatly upset. Mom was working in Quincy today so she is
going to stop by the Apple Store and see what can be done.

There ends my tale. Words of comfort of somewhat needed/demanded.

Love Praino

ETA: Luckily for Praino her mac will rise again- in 7-10 business days. It is currently on its way to the computer hospital (which reminded me of the American Doll Hospital- thus the pic) to gt itself all put together, literally and figuratively.

Also note I used my old computer last night- it goes online, but I totally forgot 1/2 the keys don't work. It had a a late-night run-in with chocolate milk during finals week Dec '07. Yup, I m like a serial killer of computers.


Fountain said...

Again, this is EXACTLY why Maria never lets you touch her stuff. You are banned from ever even looking at the Kindle and you may not be in the same room as her new camera.

Also, those pictures are kinda fail in how they're currently showing up.

Fountain said...

Also, the Dell in that first photo...pretty sure that's my old laptop. Just throwing that out there.