Twenty more days.
That is all for this post. Figure it out bitches!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Posted by Fountain at 7:34 PM 3 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
something dork-tastic for me
As you know I love me some Doctor Who, well next year we are getting a new Doctor, Matt Smith,
and a new companion- no character name yet, but the actress's name is Karen Gillan, shes gorgeous (seriously that chick it too pretty) and Scottish.
She also looks like how I imagine an older Ginny Weasley to look.
Dont know why i posted this, i m bored lol.
Here let Shia entertain you:
Posted by Meg at 5:28 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This was on ONTD this morning
Basically ONTD layout went down and everyone went crazy, a mod made a post with this .gif saying it was a metaphor- the mods are cat ladies and the members of ONTD are fucking insane cats. I am crying laughing it so amazing.
Posted by Meg at 2:04 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This is so hilariously wrong
So after yesterday of looking up random vids youtube thinks it knows my tastes and put this little number as a recommendation. Just watch and so, so wrong.
Posted by Meg at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I found another one I used to watch.
The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. I make no apologies.
Posted by Maria at 7:45 PM 6 comments
A Secret Shame: Exposed
So dinner the other night was a very revealing affair, including that fact that me and Maria read tons of the same fan fiction back in the day. Including this epic "Lord of the Rings" fic found here:
Maria also after some digging I found the chicks lj!
I remember being in high school- a junior I think- when the first movie came out and everyday i would come home and hope this fic had updated. Sad, yeah whatever but I fucking loved this shit. For I loved me some Orlando Bloom as Legolas. In fact I still have a poster of LOTR in my room that I just dont have the heart to take down... anyways!
This particular fic was epic, it even had sequels. Fountain, take note, this is what happens when you are gone for too long Praino and Maria start talking and finding out they were fucking fangirl soulmates and this happens. Yea he looks like a girl here, who cares he'll kill you with an arrow or something.
We loved our Mary Sues
OMG I found this on youtube:
This is how I felt during Breaking Dawn or parts of it, 2:50 is about right, so it 4:15 or so:
And how could I forget the HBIC of publish fan fic? SMeyer :
OK that was going to be it, but I found this shit with 5 MILLION HITS! WTF
Posted by Meg at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Tale of Being Laid Off
So I have not posted in ages. Well I certainly will now!
Let me tell you how this all went down, the laid off/firing thing. So I was out of the room but my phone rang around 5:30 Thursday afternoon. I check the voicemail and its the temp agency, so I am like "great." The then girl is like "hi the HR guy from your company called and said tomorrow is your last day. They still want you to go in; also they said you are a great employee, just it was a budget issue, and there were some other issues, like I guess a few instances of lack of detail and they didn't really feel you were excited about your job."
OK so let me clarify some shit, I had a performance review about 3 weeks ago- it was brought up that I missed a few things on the galleys- but like 5 out of 200 that I have worked on. Its called human error bitches, and it wasn't major it was like "and" instead of "&" on 3 pages of a cookbook. This is why the galleys go through 2 people, I m the first set of eyes, my boss was the other. You know makes sense, b/c after awhile you need fresh eyes to look at this shit.
But my favorite "You weren't excited about your job." Um.... no shit. How could I be? At the performance review I asked them point blank if they knew the assignments end date or if the position would ever go perm. They never answered the first part saying "oh its the nature of temp work." I am so sorry, but if I was someone with a family they could not get away with that, but b/c I am out of college and "green" then ya, they will pull this crap. The next part "would the job go perm?" was answered "well the earliest we would even think about making it perm is 2010."
With that in mind how could I be excited? I knew either I was getting let go wheneves or I was being strung along until 2010? But I didn't ever say anything about it, I just kept working and was extra attentive when I finalized the galleys. I mean I hated my job but I was not stupid enough to bite that hand that fed me, I knew I had to stay in their good graces. Then I saw the publisher in my bosses office- and her lights were on, usually she just has one little sketchy lamp in the back of her cave, which i though was weird.
So yea their reason for lack of motivation reminded me of this:
But I do think everything happens for a reason, i would not have had the balls to leave myself. So this is the push i think i needed, i m looking at different web/graphic design programs for the fall and stuff. And finally I feel like i will be able to read books again- I haven't been able to finish a book in under 3 months since I started, I am reading a book now that I have been reading since January. They stole my love of books and reading from me- which is not cool.
So yea, thinking positively :)
Posted by Meg at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Fun with Maria
I want to share a little story with Praino and Tully.
Yesterday, Maria sent me a text saying she's going to be a scientist so she can bring back dinosaurs and have them eat the people she hates. Naturally, I thought this was a brilliant idea. I therefore told her that would be great, they did it in Jurassic Park, so clearly it's possible. Maria was watching Jurassic Park. (I love how in sync we are!)
Later, she sent me another text asking if we could get a small poison spitting dinosaur. Again, thinking this was a great idea, I responded with "We sure can!" Maria quickly pointed out that I'll let us get a little poison spitting dinosaur, but I won't let her have little dogs when we live together.
The only answer to this: Small dogs can't protect us like a small poison spitting dinosaur. I've included a visual to help with this:
Yeah, they're cute and all, but really, what can they do if someone tries to attack us in the cardboard box we'll be living in on the streets of New York because we can't afford a real apartment?
Now THIS pet would offer us protection. Honestly, who wouldn't want a small poison spitting dinosaur as their guard dog?
Posted by Fountain at 11:48 AM 4 comments