Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun with Maria

I want to share a little story with Praino and Tully.

Yesterday, Maria sent me a text saying she's going to be a scientist so she can bring back dinosaurs and have them eat the people she hates. Naturally, I thought this was a brilliant idea. I therefore told her that would be great, they did it in Jurassic Park, so clearly it's possible. Maria was watching Jurassic Park. (I love how in sync we are!)

Later, she sent me another text asking if we could get a small poison spitting dinosaur. Again, thinking this was a great idea, I responded with "We sure can!" Maria quickly pointed out that I'll let us get a little poison spitting dinosaur, but I won't let her have little dogs when we live together.

The only answer to this: Small dogs can't protect us like a small poison spitting dinosaur. I've included a visual to help with this:

Yeah, they're cute and all, but really, what can they do if someone tries to attack us in the cardboard box we'll be living in on the streets of New York because we can't afford a real apartment?

Now THIS pet would offer us protection. Honestly, who wouldn't want a small poison spitting dinosaur as their guard dog?


Tully said...

Fountain, you are a genius. I don't know why someone has never thought of this before. Epically brilliant. Whatever shall we name this brave pet?

Also, Praino, I saw a man walking a corgi when I was walking to the train station after work tonight. So obviously I thought of you...

Fountain said...

Technically, Maria thought of getting the dinosaur (after she became a scientist and brought them back to life, of course) as a pet.

I just thought it was more practical than getting a tiny little dog.

Maria said...

And I love that you give me credit :)

But no one would brave a spitting dinosaur with me except for you, Fountain.

Meg said...

Hahahaha i love this idea! And fountain, it is more practical in the protection field, however, i think that maria should be allowed a small dog that she can dress up and shit.

i also envision the dog and dinosaur being bffs.

tull- i love that you had a corgi sighting! a corgi makes everything better, well, except when its scarlett and she is the one causes the trouble.

As for a name for our poisonous pet, I think something very long and full of alliteration. i cant think now b/c its 1 30 am. but pretend i said something clever. :)