Sunday, August 31, 2008

I attempted a Vlog...

And nothing got accomplished. I didn't save the file right or something and it didn't get saved into the right format. This crap is hard! I need me some Praino to figure it out! I got it working before, but I clearly didn't allocate enough space for it to actually work. Whatev.

I took pictures of my room in the apartment though and posted those on Facebook for your enjoyment though!

This is how I waste spend my paycheck...

So, whilst on a shopping excursion today, during which my main mission was to procure nothing else other than comfortable, yet unmatronly looking work appropriate shoes (which I got for way less than retail, thank you Chinese Laundry and DSW - check 'em out) I ended up spending more money than intended. But I bought cute things, so I need to share...
These boots are absolutely adorable. I had to come home and order them online since they didn't have my size at the store. They look mostly like Converse high tops when you've got them on and your pants cover up the sides, but they're actually rain boots. Totally waterproof and fleece lined. Adorable and functional.
Now, I didn't actually buy Michael Kors sunglasses (my paycheck really can't support that), but I bought the cute TJMaxx knock offs that look almost exactly like these and only cost 15 bucks. My new goal is to own them for more than a month without breaking them. Really, I have the most unfortunate luck with sunglasses.

So, that's all. Perhaps I'll post something of more substance and less style later!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Part 3

And then they burned the Xena musical soundtrack and attempted to listen to it in the car on the ride home. That wasn't allowed so much...

All in all, I'm glad my friend Vodka was there to get me through this.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Part 2

It basically gets better and better as they continue. I chose to get drunker and drunker...

I'm no Praino but...

I'm no Praino and therefore was incapable of making this look amazing like she does, but I believe the content alone makes it pretty damn incredible. Part 1 in a series...

Still Here...

Ok, so my internet has been absolutely haywire for the past few days, hence the prolonged absence, but I'm still here. Hope all is well for everyone. I wish I came bearing more exciting news or funny stories, but I've got nothing of the sort. However, I do have a picture of my new haircut finally. It's not a fun emo self portrait, but it's all I've got...

Ode to Praino

Here is a conversation Maria and I had today. I'm calling a small ode, or perhaps tribute, to Praino:

**Note: This started as us talking about the dumb bitch Maria works with who she plans to kill because she can't handle anything they give her to do.**

PostMortensTune: we needed someone desparately
Buttercup3925: what, and praino wasn't available?
PostMortensTune: apparently not
Buttercup3925: you give praino a task, she gets shit done
Buttercup3925: she might say/do other things that don't make sense
Buttercup3925: but she can handle simple tasks with ease

PostMortensTune: yea she can
Buttercup3925: i love our praino
PostMortensTune: me too
Buttercup3925: i actually feel she should be formatting the books
Buttercup3925: she makes movies

PostMortensTune: she's fantastic
Buttercup3925: how much differnece can there be there?
Buttercup3925: can you imagine if praino had been the one to move to IL?
Buttercup3925: i don't know what would have become of us

PostMortensTune: oh god
Buttercup3925: yeah, it's scary
PostMortensTune: we would just be so mean
Buttercup3925: yeha, it would have been horrible
Buttercup3925: there would be no lulz in our lives

PostMortensTune: oh the lulz
PostMortensTune: I couldn't live without them
Buttercup3925: I know!
Buttercup3925: me either!
PostMortensTune: the lulz are awesome
Buttercup3925: they truly are

Hopefully Praino, you can now see how important you are to us!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Praino! You have a new task - to make Maria low-calorie, no sodium soup. It needs to still look and taste really good though. Like this one:

When you're done making it, drive to Bedford and feed it to her so she doesn't get too overworked and tired out by trying to eat soup unassisted.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thats right bitches, it vlog time

Have you ever....

Have you ever had this happen to you, b/c it seems to happen to me frequently and I wonder what your stance is on it.

Ok so there was this guy in my office, kinda cute and nice- so i had a little crush on him for a week or two. Then today i go over to give him something at him desk and it just hits me "UMM NO."

Thats it, split second and its decided, DO NOT WANT. Now this has happened several times in my life- is this normal or am I a judgmental bitch?

What are your thoughts ladies.

A "things i like" post

Ok this is not going to be doing anything productive, rather just posting things i like,

first is an video from amy winehouse when she was on a game show over year ago (clearly b/c she is kind of together looking-for her)

Next is a picture of Doctor Who himself, David Tennant. I will be doing a vlog soon expressing my love of doctor who and incorporating clips- i will make you bitches love it..

Also yes, i do keep him in a closet, but as you can see I do allow him his afternoon tea- i m very benevolent that way.

As The Doctor:

This was on ONTD as The Dark Knight came out, its brings the LULZ and is made of awesome :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Me and Praino

Praino, please upload and tag accordingly.

Mayday - The Cooking Post

Ok ladies, I'm cooking.

Now, if you hear about a fire in Norwood, it's me. I'm making home made spinach dip. I'll let you know how it goes.

PS - Prain, the merge has begun. I just spelled hear, here. Thank god I caught it.

It has begun...

ETA: It was delicious and I'm awesome.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Praino and Fountain Come Up with Something

Ok, so in case you bitches dont check the blog these have been posted on facebook; amanda made the epic descision to post in both locales.

So this is how this happened, told through a series of quotes from emails from Fountain to Praino:

Fountain: Poor Praino! I know your contempt for being mature, responsible and grown up. You'll get through it I know you will!

Praino:I am like peter pan i dont want to grow up (at least in the working
world sense) - and i want to fly.

Fountain: I kind of want to be Tinkerbell. She can fly and she's got lots of attitude and thinks Peter Pan is crazy. It just seems very appropriate for our relationship. Maria is soooooo Capt. Hook!
Tully would be Wendy because she is the responsible one.

The following will be a series on montages:

OK now when I found the last one i also found this, i love the internet:

I also find this fitting; i dont know who the strung up children would be (those triplets perhaps?) but i felt it warranted posting.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Internet - Finally!

Since I finally have internet again, I figured I'd start by telling you all about the move. The wedding stuff will need to wait because it became very involved and completely insane.

So first, I managed to get here without killing my mom along the way. It took us two days and terrible back pain and over $200 in gas, but I made it.

I get to the place on Thursday night, and the office tells me I can't have my keys because my room in the apt. is not ready yet; they still need to change the locks. I of course, believe this to be sheer and utter bull shit. So I got back into the car with my mom and left a message for Dori, my roommate. (Yes, her name is the same as Dori from Finding Nemo. No, you don't need to point that out to her, she already knows. What is ironic, is that I have a Nemo antenna topper on my car...)

My mom and I drive around town for a while (yes, more time in the car) hoping Dori will call back and we can sleep in the living room instead of having to get a hotel for the night. Good news! Dori called and we got into the apartment. Her boyfriend, or fiance rather, was there and he helped us get everything out of the car. That was super awesome of him because I live on the third floor of a walk-up. Yup. Exercise for me!

Dori's best friend used to live in my new room, so she had an old key and let me get in. Maintenance never came to switch out the lock, so I was pretty pissed when I realized this and the office COULD have let me move in early. Dori made us dinner and we all (Dori, Josh, me and my mom) hung out for a bit. We had brought an air mattress with us so I had to inflate that. Did you know that some air mattresses come with electronic air pumps? Mine didn't. I had to pump that sucker up by hand. It sucked. It extra sucked because I shared it with my mom.

The next morning, I went to the office to officially get my key. They couldn't find my key in the semi-organized files of keys they had. The guy searched in the office and handed me a key. I went back to the apartment, it wasn't the right. He comes over and brings every single key he can possibly find. None work.

The maintenance guy finally comes and we tell him Dori has a key from her old roommate. They had to make a copy of that key to give me a copy. They kept her old copy for themselves since they had clearly lost the one they were supposed to have. Ridiculous.

I already stated that there was no internet for the first four days of me being there. That sucked as well. I had training on Friday afternoon, and have been in training every day since. I'm going to be a teacher starting Monday. How ridiculous is that? I'm shocked they're letting me do this, seriously I am.

I have my own desk in an office with the other GA's. I have the picture of us at the table at the 9's on it. It's super cute. I make sure to tell everyone that's the Entourage.

I know you all hate it, but I'm really excited to be here. Dori said she's heard the faculty talking and that I'm expected to be one of the top students in the incoming class. That makes me really happy. I just hope that I actually know what I'm doing now.

I'm done with training for the week (thank god!) but there is a faculty coffee thing in the morning from 9-11am. I'm not entirely sure I want to go since I've already done so much stuff and I'm not even close to being unpacked yet. I really just want maintenance to come and put my TV up. And a curtain rod for my room. But that's it. That's not too much to ask for, I'm sure of it!

Sorry for the super long post, but I felt I owed you one.


The most random thing i have ever made, and all for my ladies.
Also i may have created a monster- i finally figured out how to use my webcam thingy- kinda- you'll see the spots where the clips dont connect- but anyways, enjoy.

watch and love, possibly be troubled by praino's lack of grasp on the english language and speaking in general, when it is just herself.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Read this, its not that long and really interesting

Hey girls,

This article is made of so much win, mainly b/c it is true. I was talking the other day to my friend about how Bella was just so fucking annoying b/c she had no ambitions other than Edward, but I couldnt put it the right way- this chick gets it dead on.

While, yes, Twilight is full of lulz, and that is part of the fun b/c it is cracktastic. another, literay side of me, the one that graduated college with a degree in english perhaps, feel like "yea this really is literary tripe." Just read the article, it makes more sense then my babbles. the author makes some good points about the view of women it gives (mainly to its core demographic of preteen and teen girls) and it is not healthly. A woman should not give up her entire being for a man, and thats what bella did. her whole identity was based upon edward; while edward is fabulous, he deserves a stronger and more independant woman.

That being said, i still love the crack, i really do, i am just schizo when it comes to this series-clearly! But read the article, and then we will discuss, my lovely independent women.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Placeholder for a real post...

Hello darlings...

So, I'm going to write a real post very very soon, I promise. But I did just want to say hi! Work is ridiculous right now (I'm guessing it's the same for Maria and Praino, too). Not surprisingly, there's stupid oozing out the woodworks at this time of year. You all know how well I tolerate stupid. For serious, there's been a few times in the past week when I've thought that I might have to cut a bitch. Haha.

I hope everything is going well for all of you! Fountain, once you have full internet access again, I expect full details of your midwest adventures thus far.

<3 - Tully

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I am moved in, but currently internetless!!!!

The construction crew cut the fiber optic cable, and my building has no internet until tomorrow, MAYBE.

So if you send emails I'll get them on my phone, but for now I'm slightly incommunicado.

Love you all!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally a Praino Post

Hello my darlings!

I hope you are all doing well! I had my crazy double wedding weekend, last weekend, and had an awful sinus infection (naturally, since I live my life by Murphy's law) so i was kind of a wreck. I mean there were fun, but it is all kind of a sinus medication blur.

So instead of boring you all with those deets i want to talk about something, and this is serious business, Disney Sequels. The other night I saw a commericail for this:

WTF A DISNEY PREQUEL? Ughh, i am sure they will fuck it up, when will there learn- leave the classics alone! they are perfect do not touch them.

However, that being said, i will probably watch/buy it since it is The Little Mermaid-- damn it why am I such marketers dream? I buy whatever they tell me!

But now that we are on the topic of the Little Mermaid, let me tell you guys a tale. As a child me and my cousin, Martha, (same age) LOVED TLM, i mean we were like obsessed with it. Now at this beach we went to there was this rock, it was flat and raised up, right by the water- so at high tide the water would come over splashing everywhere. So naturally we took turns playing "ariel and singing ( you know the ahhh-ahh- ahhh- ahhh-ahhhhh-ahhhhhh etc) and sometimes, when it was low tide, the one not playing ariel would fill up a bucket of water and throw it on the other when they hit the high note.

How cool were we? Also i should add in a little aside about praino here- as a kid i had a fear of periwinkles, so i would always make martha pick them off. so one day my uncle and his friend go by (the youngest uncle so i would say he was in his 20s), now his friend, James, was like the guy that girls all had crushes on- even at the tender age of 6 or 7 me and martha both felt this guys charm. so he comes over and asks martha what she is doing, ever so diligently picking off the offending periwinkles. So tells him that i dont like them, so then he picks one off and puts it in his mouth like he is eating it. So what does little praino do. scream. and run off the beach.

so yea, thats my story. and i feel that this is fitting, given the nature of this post:

Since we're talking future baby daddys

Here's mine:

Drive by Post

Twilight movie date got moved...

November 21st, bitches!

I'm out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

OK I will make a post later

With pictures and stuff. But for now enjoy my future baby daddy:

and other pretty men:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In Honor of Your Final Hours as a Massachusetts Citizen...

Don't deny it, cornfields are sketchy as hell. Still, you know that I (and the rest of the Entourage) wish you the best. Of course, you should be coming home more often -- remember, there are lots of holidays to celebrate.

I expect blogs and letters updating us on your epic (and lulz inducing for Praino's sake) adventures out there at EIU. Oh, and should you ever run into history professor Joshua Birk, tell him I say hi, lol.

Miss you already!!!



Monday, August 11, 2008

I am unstoppable

9,557 / 70,000

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Insert Door Knocking Here

Hello Ladies!

So I know that it's been insanely hectic week, but I just wanted to say hi and make sure you're all doing ok. Plus, there haven't been any posts on here in a few days, which is clearly not ok.

Miss you all!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I fail at posts this week

Hey guys,

Like the subject heading says, i fail at posts this week. i have developed some kind of random ass cough and now i talk like a frog- i hope this will be gone by sunday since i have to do a reading at wedding #2.

I am so tired and the DWW has not even begun; although tomorrow work is 1/2 a day for everyone so thats cool- but then i gots to get my nails dones, reheral dinner, go home sleep, wedding 1, sleep, wedding 2. i am sure i will be in rare form when its finally over.

But poor fountain; that wedding you have sound awful- i hate everyone in the wedding ( except you of course dear) they are such mean little bitches. Although I will miss you "LIKE WHOAH" i can totally understand the need get away from here. :(

still working on breaking dawn, maria it gets a bit better- as there is a plot, i think, but um yea i am still considering this book to the bastard child of twilight (no child pun indended) and will be hidden away from sight when i am done with it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Entourage Confessions/Lyrics Post

So it's Entourage confession time we all remember the LiLo movie from a few years back - Just my Luck? If not, totally cool, you probably don't want to remember it, lol. But there's a band in the movie - a poptastic British foursome called McFly. They're a real band and I kind of, sort of love them. It's cheesy pop music to the max, but it's fun. And I was listening to this song today and it seems oddly appropriate for the crazy stressful weeks we've all had. Sometimes a girl just needs her Entourage...

The world would be a lonely place,
Without the one that puts a smile on your face.
So hold me til the sun burns out,
I won't be lonely when I'm down.
Cuz I've got you
To make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer


I need some Entourage support - call/text me or send emails because I am so PISSED right about now.

I hate weddings.

Also, how did we go a full day with NO posts? That's so not Entourage like!!! I'm disappointed!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Holy writing post Batman

I'm chugging along!

8,085 / 70,000

Entourage Confession

So, I figured it was time for my embarrassing television confession. I used to watch this show called The Tribe. It was a New Zealand show about a virus that wiped out the adult population. Now, kids rule the world. It's made of cheesy awesomeness. Praino you would love it.

And for your viewing pleasure:

Friday, August 1, 2008


Ok girls, so I am working on a book called "I <3 Geeks" (its fabuous i will give you all free copies when it is published if i can) and whilst going through it found some errors... but not the kind i am supposed to be looking for.

no errors in infomation, ex. Liam and Ewans fight with that Darth guy was in Episode I- not III. And doctor who (new series) started in 2005- not 2003.

Yea, um, so judge away.