Monday, July 20, 2009

News Flash!

My brother is a douchebag. My mom just called me all pissed at him because he set up his class schedule for college with all night classes claiming he'll work 9-4 go to class from 6-10pm and somehow find time to get homework done and sleep. Not going to happen with my slacker brother. Thankfully, I have the scheduling skills of a god and managed to find all new times for him and my mom is going to send him back to BCC and make him rearrange his schedule.

The moral of this story is: My brother is a douchebag and I am awesome.


Meg said...

Ughh that sounds like my brother- actually that was almost exactly what he was trying to do this summer, work until 4, then classes until 10. But then- heres the best part- he couldn't find the testing center.

The bitch gets to Massasoit, goes into the fucking building, looking IN THE WINDOW and is like 10 minutes late ( b/c he didn't mapquest directions and me and my mom had to tell him how to get there on the phone. ) could have totally gone in, since he only needed to talk 1 part of the test, not the whole thing, but DECIDES to leave. Apparently he now has a mysterious opening in his Fall semester. After I went through all this fuckery of finding him a class etc etc. Ugh.

Fountain I totes understand, brothers are fucking retarded. But I love that you rearranged his sched.

Fountain said...

Praino, my mom set up all his accounts, she told him when to go for the test taking, she told him when to go back for registering for classes the first time and then I had to do his schedule 3-4 times before getting one that actually worked! It was ridiculous!