Ok I fully expect you all to remember the EPIC WIN that was Disney's Halloween Treat.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Blast from the Past
Posted by Meg at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Alright ladies, you know what happens with the lack o posts- Praino posts random shit. So tonight I will dazzle you with "True Blood"
First off the Fierceness that is Lafayette and the "AIDS Burger"
lets start with the bath scene, where we learn Eric like random ass old Swedish songs and Bill hates to text on the number keys
Also Eric looking fierce in wife beater, but i can not find a pic FAIL.
But next weeks ep look awesome! I love me some vamps.
Posted by Meg at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Not gonna lie excited
Even though they are prob fucking the book up i am still excited.
Posted by Meg at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Gossip Girl
Ok, I just caught up on the last gossip girl and I have one thing to say...
COME ON!!!!!
Dear Chuck and Blair,
Would you please get over your own egos and just fuck already?!?!?!?
I can't take this anymore.
Posted by Maria at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Greatest promo EVER...
This debuted last night during GG (how appropriate, lol). Watch it, love it...
Posted by Tully at 8:08 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So I had a date with a Marine last night. It was awesome. He's pretty awesome. I'm really excited about the whole thing. We did dinner and watched a movie and it was just pretty great all around. His name is Patrick, he's cute. I'm excited.
That's all for now.
Posted by Fountain at 8:42 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
OK I Promised an Epic Xena Post, so here it is AIYIYIYIYIYI
OK first character role call:
Xena the Warrior Princess= Maria
Gabrielle= Fountain
Joxer the Mighty= Praino
Eve/Livia= Tulls
Now for other characters TBA:
Salmonius: Please refer to email for corresponding name
Minya: Please refer to email for corresponding name
MISC Character that need casting:
Callisto- Bitch is Crazy but Fierce
Autolyus the King of Thieves aka Bruce Campbell King of B Movies
I know there are more, Maria remind me of them and i ll edit into post.
But now its time for the men of Xena PicSpam
Up First is Borias
Now for the hottness that is Ares
The Horseback Scene
I have included this one b/c she says "I have many skills"
Some fun Xena subtext
And last but no least Joxer the Mighty
Posted by Meg at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I promised Praino a random post...(it's long and I may have broken Blogger in the process...)
So to start off the randomosity for the evening...
I'm sure you've all seen a video similar to this one, but I just wanted to reacquaint you with these adorable little midgies, as they will make up a large percentage of the population of the farm that Praino and I will someday own/invest in...
You didn't pee your pants yet, did you? I know they're awfully funny. I also figured it was good to add some old skool (that's right, I went there) lulz. You only need to watch the first 10 seconds:
Moving on...I know you've all seen this (unless you didn't look at the video I sent you yesterday), but it's worth seeing again. My dad says it's "just another sign of how the liberal media is getting to the minds of the younger generation," but I say it's the greatest thing ever...
And now for the pictorial portion of tonight's post:
Ok, now that I've taken up most of the page, I'm done now. Hope you enjoy ladies!
Posted by Tully at 8:30 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
So I changed the layout
I found some fall/Halloween stuff over here: http://www.pyzam.com/bloggertemplates/category/autumn
i think i know what the prob was last time, we were looking in the myspace sections- which is the default section to browse through, and we need to go to the blogger ones. So check out the site and see if there are you like, and try them on! Some are really cool, but they make pics and youtube vids like see through- which is weird.
so what about this one- yay or nay?
Posted by Meg at 2:57 PM 5 comments
I also want a mini horse and/or a shetland pony, even if they do bite. I love my animals in miniature form-horses, dogs,
( especially ones who wear bat-wings) but not men, i dont want a midge for a bf. not that i have anything against the midges, i just want someone slightly taller in the 5 foot and over family.
also its 2 am and i am rambling, like crazy rambling,
Posted by Meg at 1:50 AM 4 comments
Have we seen THIS GUY?
So his name is brandon stoughton and he is the "womanizer" it Brit's new vid. and he is hot. like fucking hot.
Posted by Meg at 1:37 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Not a Praino post, but still tweeny...
Girls, please tell me you've heard...
We can actually show RPattz the Entourage love in person...
Posted by Tully at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Third Praino Post in a Row... Twilight, Zac Efron and now Britney! Omg i am such a tween
Hey guys someone else post so I can stop posting tween shit on this blog of fabulousness.
Also the Bitch is totes back! Dont know why she is naked in a sauna but w/e it is Britney and she looks fierce as fuck. The new vid:
ETA I am having lots of problems since youtube disabled embedding so i will try to get it from mtv.com
OK so just got here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-23EToh43M
Posted by Meg at 12:42 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
the failblog
omg tulls, i have heard of this place but never been omg i did like pee myself. my fav this far:
see more pwn and owned pictures
Posted by Meg at 10:36 PM 3 comments
Trufac, FAIL Blog is made of win...
Read it, love it...try not to pee your pants when you laugh.
Posted by Tully at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm Just Full of Challenges
Ok, so Praino and Maria - you should both have an email from me with a writing prompt in it. I feel a bit like a posting whore being the only one writing, so you've both got to write something, too. I hope that you'll be sufficiently inspired by the prompt...
Fountain - you should have a new invitation for my writing blog. Let me know if it still isn't working!
Posted by Tully at 11:42 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Let's acknowledge this
So, as I'm wont to do, I had Praino set up my blog for me. Now, she came up with her own little name for it, which I'm fine with. But did she name it something spelled correctly? No. She named it:
In case you didn't catch that - Mara Island.
Posted by Maria at 9:13 PM 5 comments
Can I just say how angry I am that I can't access any of your private blogs?!
I get the link in my email, I get all excited about it, and then I go to log in, and I get some weird error code that gets me nowhere. And then I'm sad. :(
Posted by Fountain at 8:12 PM 7 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wow, just wow
So I told Tulls about this, these are old ladies who play with these creepy baby dolls. Watch the vid, and ughh, prepare to be scared.
Posted by Meg at 9:34 PM 4 comments
hey guys,
as i told tulls friday, i keep forgetting to go into setting and give you all admin privileges, but i finally remembered, so you all have admin status privs now! hurrah! basically you can change the templates and shit- so if you find one you like, you can change it!
thats it really-- also i did the same that tulls did, so you should all be getting an email for that too.
that concludes the housekeeping portion of the blog.
Posted by Meg at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hey dearies...
So you should all have an email from me, inviting you to my writing blog. It's locked so that only you girls and Christie can see it for now. The general public isn't ready for my craziness quite yet, lol.
Posted by Tully at 7:53 PM 0 comments
De-merge to Re-merge
Sub heading says all:
Clearly, this is evidence of how off my game I was, it was sad really. But I blame the PMS, its the only explanation for my RAS (random acts of stupidity) ....and there were so many!! Howev, Maria- Loved your "toxic" dress, it was a win.
But let me tell you about something else, that was an epic fail. My car-i went for my inspection sticker today and got an "R" for reject...... something about suspenion..... but epic fail for prainos car.
Um what else, maria i really do feel bad about thing that caused you to give me the bird... i totes wasn't even thinking. love you!
OHH and Tulls had a good idea, of us having our own blogs for the 50,000 words in a month novel writing contest-- we will lock them obvs so only we can see them, or have our own email threads for our own works, so we dont have all 3 mixing and getting confused with each other. Fountain, you prob have no idea what i m talking about, but should we succeed in writing a 50,000 word novel, um be ready to be our agent/PR chick b/c the millions are going to pour in. :)
Posted by Meg at 3:48 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
OK, he is crazy, but omg the lulz
So this was on ONTD and i could not stop laughing, mainly because it is true. no matter if it is a crazy rapper saying it.
Posted by Meg at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Some observations...I'm sure we'll have lots of them tonight...
Alright ladies, I kept a little bit of a running commentary about a few things during the debate. So here's a few observations...
- I would like Palin and her crew to visit New Orleans and all those other Gulf Coastal communities that have been ravaged by hurricanes and tell them that Alaska is the place most negatively affected by global warming. I'm not saying that things aren't bad up there...I know that there are parts of the economy, etc. affected by changes in the water temperature and what not. But I don't recall hearing about entire communities being leveled by freakishly large hurricanes...
- I think it's sad that a woman who doesn't support the MOST fundamental woman's right in this country, thinks it's ok to bash other countries that don't support women's rights. Sure, there are lots of foreign countries that should be enlightened about the fact that women are just flat out smarter and better than men (lol). But for a woman who thinks that a 15 year old who gets pregnant after being raped by her father should be forced to have the baby to get on a high horse and say that we need to watch out for countries that don't support women's rights is the most proposterous thing EVER.
- So Palin says that we need to keep promise to Israel that there will never be another Holocaust. I agree and I think it's a very noble promise...except for the fact that our government as pretty much entirely ignored the 50+ Holocaust like genocides that have occured since WWII.
- I love Joe Biden...but I don't love when he refers to himself in the third person. No one should do that. Ever. That being said, I'd still shop at Home Depot with him (and I don't even like Home Depot).
- If Palin had sayid anything else about "being a governor of an energy producing state", I might have had to kick her in the teeth.
- "Her reward is in heaven." - I'm sorry, but as a girl who almost became a teacher, saying that a teacher's only reward is after they die is the most disrespectful thing that someone can say about the profession. And I don't care that she tried to backpedal and talk about how she came from a family of teachers -- I hope they all slap her upside the head for saying such a stupid thing.
- Again, with the talk about equal rights from Palin. I'm very confused as to how taking away a woman's right to choose is "equal rights" for women...
So what are we thinking...
Posted by Tully at 9:52 PM 2 comments
Per Praino's request via Facebook status
Pictures of my new hair cut!
I might also point out that i messed with the color again and chopping so much off made most of the black disappear which ultimately makes me happy. Enjoy!
Posted by Fountain at 1:42 AM 2 comments
Per Fountain's request via Facebook status...
I introduce Entourage Definitions!
Our first word is trufac:
Maria:question: I just typed trufac - trufac being the singular?
Praino: hmm this is an interesting debate: trufac. on the one hand it makes
sense, but on the other hand i like the x at the end- makes it cool
tulls what is your stance?
Tulls: I vote for trufac being the singular. One, because it makes sense, and two, because I'd like to have another super fun word like trufax.
Trufac, singular form of the phrase "trufax"; usually used to point out something with emphasis or more likely for the LULZ.
Posted by Meg at 12:36 AM 5 comments