Monday, October 13, 2008

I put a spell on you!

Yeah, after the last comments, this needed to happen...


Tully said...

OMG! Fountain, this little pic spam is love. Hocus Pocus is quite obviously one of the greatest movies ever made. Check out SJP before she was all fab as Carrie Bradshaw.

Meg said...

SQUEE!!! YAY Fountain! Love it! and Hocus Pocus Pic Spam is totes love!

I put a spell on you...And now you're mine.... You can't stop the things I do....I ain't Lyyyiiiiniiinin.
--By the way I sang this as I wrote it, trufax.

Fountain said...

What's good is that I pictured you singing it as you typed it Praino!

I was singing it the whole time I was posting pictures...I ain't lyyyiiiiniiinin!

Meg said...

ohh fountain, i miss you! if you were home we would totes sing this song for hours, and the other one too that SJP sings "Come little children, I ll take thy away, into land of enchantment!!" (i may or may not have that downloaded on my ipod) but we would change the words so it keep children away, b/c lets face it, kids= ughh.