Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some observations...I'm sure we'll have lots of them tonight...

Alright ladies, I kept a little bit of a running commentary about a few things during the debate. So here's a few observations...

- I would like Palin and her crew to visit New Orleans and all those other Gulf Coastal communities that have been ravaged by hurricanes and tell them that Alaska is the place most negatively affected by global warming. I'm not saying that things aren't bad up there...I know that there are parts of the economy, etc. affected by changes in the water temperature and what not. But I don't recall hearing about entire communities being leveled by freakishly large hurricanes...

- I think it's sad that a woman who doesn't support the MOST fundamental woman's right in this country, thinks it's ok to bash other countries that don't support women's rights. Sure, there are lots of foreign countries that should be enlightened about the fact that women are just flat out smarter and better than men (lol). But for a woman who thinks that a 15 year old who gets pregnant after being raped by her father should be forced to have the baby to get on a high horse and say that we need to watch out for countries that don't support women's rights is the most proposterous thing EVER.

- So Palin says that we need to keep promise to Israel that there will never be another Holocaust. I agree and I think it's a very noble promise...except for the fact that our government as pretty much entirely ignored the 50+ Holocaust like genocides that have occured since WWII.

- I love Joe Biden...but I don't love when he refers to himself in the third person. No one should do that. Ever. That being said, I'd still shop at Home Depot with him (and I don't even like Home Depot).

- If Palin had sayid anything else about "being a governor of an energy producing state", I might have had to kick her in the teeth.

- "Her reward is in heaven." - I'm sorry, but as a girl who almost became a teacher, saying that a teacher's only reward is after they die is the most disrespectful thing that someone can say about the profession. And I don't care that she tried to backpedal and talk about how she came from a family of teachers -- I hope they all slap her upside the head for saying such a stupid thing.

- Again, with the talk about equal rights from Palin. I'm very confused as to how taking away a woman's right to choose is "equal rights" for women...

So what are we thinking...


Meg said...

I am here with my friend emily, i just read this verbatim. her reaction, "um, i vote for Tully"

so tulls you should run for prez, trufax, we can all be in your cabinet of awesome.

but seriously i agree with all you have said, esp the gulf coast- there is a reason that there have been so many fucking hurricanes and it is not "natural change" or whatever she said. she does not even believe in global

but tulls, as always, well-thought out, poised and an excellent statement. :)

Tully said...

Aww, well tell her I say thank you for the vote.

I think the world...not just the country, but the world...would be better off with us as leaders. dad tried to fight me on the hurricanes and my mom told him to shut up.

Thank you Prain...I can't wait until we get to talk more about all of this tomorrow!