Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I promised Praino a random post...(it's long and I may have broken Blogger in the process...)

So to start off the randomosity for the evening...

I'm sure you've all seen a video similar to this one, but I just wanted to reacquaint you with these adorable little midgies, as they will make up a large percentage of the population of the farm that Praino and I will someday own/invest in...

You didn't pee your pants yet, did you? I know they're awfully funny. I also figured it was good to add some old skool (that's right, I went there) lulz. You only need to watch the first 10 seconds:

Moving on...I know you've all seen this (unless you didn't look at the video I sent you yesterday), but it's worth seeing again. My dad says it's "just another sign of how the liberal media is getting to the minds of the younger generation," but I say it's the greatest thing ever...

And now for the pictorial portion of tonight's post:

Ok, now that I've taken up most of the page, I'm done now. Hope you enjoy ladies!


Meg said...

Tully, the amount of love I have for you can not be expressed in words! Not only is this awesomely ramdon but it is made of WIN, awesome and Epic.

Also our farm of Midges, which we should call it btw, is going to be amazing. :)

Tully said...

Aw, I'm glad that you liked it.

Midges it is. We'll be bigger than Disney...

Meg said...

I just watched the goat vid again, hehehehe i love it so much. I think if i were to scare them i could so better then an umbrella. I m thinking bike horns and karaoke.

also i forgot to mention before- awesome pics! i love the palin shiny one!

and hell yea we are going to be bigger then Disney, in fact we are going to absorb Disney; then during the day at our farm/ amusement park we will Disney songs all day. Including songs from "Hocus Pocus"