Monday, October 6, 2008


Can I just say how angry I am that I can't access any of your private blogs?!

I get the link in my email, I get all excited about it, and then I go to log in, and I get some weird error code that gets me nowhere. And then I'm sad. :(


Maria said...

oh no!!! why is this happening? I need my fountain to read about my writing that she doesn't really care about!!

Tully said...

Huh, that's really strange! I had the same thing happening to me when I tried to get Praino's the other day...I just tried later and it worked then...

Meg said...

yea, i had a smiliar experience trying to get to marias. i think you have to be already signed into access it, otherwise you get that funky does not exist code.

Fountain said...

Holy crap! Praino was right!
I know that she's actually better at this stuff than us, but it's still surprising every time!

I love you Praino!

Fountain said...

Ok, retraction.
Praino was half right. I got into her blog. But I still can't get into Maria's.

Tully and Maria, try resending me the invites, but make sure you invite my gmail alias:

Thanks ladies!

Meg said...

yea, gmail is the one you want, b/c blogger and gmail is linked. so if you are signed in, or recently signed into gmail, you should be able to breeze into blogger.

Meg said...

and i love you too fountain, even if you are surprised everytime. lol