Saturday, October 11, 2008

Third Praino Post in a Row... Twilight, Zac Efron and now Britney! Omg i am such a tween

Hey guys someone else post so I can stop posting tween shit on this blog of fabulousness.

Also the Bitch is totes back! Dont know why she is naked in a sauna but w/e it is Britney and she looks fierce as fuck. The new vid:

ETA I am having lots of problems since youtube disabled embedding so i will try to get it from

OK so just got here:


Tully said...

She looks like old Brit, which is so super amazing.

I still don't think it's a good idea for a girl who has clearly been manic depressive/bipolar to play a billion and one characters in a video, but maybe that's just me...

Meg said...

This is a very valid point Tulls. But she kind of has always played a ton of characters/ personalities, like in "Toxic" .... although there it was a spy character.

yes, i know my brit vids so much i know the characters, shame. but still not as weird as "Every time" where she like drowned in a tub, blood and shit and was "reborn" yet like lived in the tub, that was some fucked up shit. plus slow songs, i dont love brit doing slow songs, i want dancing music!