Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Entourage Confessions and Secrets
I have two things to confess today:
1. I love Google's image:
and the BIG confession/secret
2. I love the show Glee. It makes me happy to watch it. I have ALL the songs from it in my iTunes. There are actually 31 songs from that show that I have been able to find and download. Yes, that does mean I take the time to find the songs that are NOT included on the official soundtrack. Judge me if you will, but that is my confession.
Posted by Fountain at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Where have we been on this whole blog thing?
It's been almost a month since anyone posted anything? I'm getting tired of the Entourage falling apart! It is not really working out with the whole staying in communication thing!
I hope Maria's eye is back in place and staying there, I hope Tully's foot heals well, and I hope Mama Praino gets better.
We need to pull it together ladies!
Oh, and Maria suggested that we, the entourage, actually make more sense as characters from 30 Rock.
Here's some pictures:
I am Liz Lemon
Tully is Kenneth
Maria is Jenna / Praino is Tracey
Scary how much more accurate that is, right?
Here's some pictures:
Posted by Fountain at 1:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Why yes, this is my flight confirmation when I come home in December!
Indianapolis, IN (IND) to Providence, RI (PVD)
1:20 p.m.
Thu., Dec. 17, 2009
Indianapolis, IN (IND)
2:27 p.m.
Change Planes. Connect time in Cleveland, OH (CLE) is 1 hour 18 minutes.
3:45 p.m.
Thu., Dec. 17, 2009
Cleveland, OH (CLE)
5:25 p.m.
Providence, RI (PVD) to Indianapolis, IN (IND)
5:00 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 9, 2010
Providence, RI (PVD)
6:35 p.m.
Change Planes. Connect time in New York/Newark, NJ (EWR - Liberty) is 1 hour 15 minutes.
7:50 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 9, 2010
New York/Newark, NJ (EWR - Liberty)
10:18 p.m.
Posted by Fountain at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Prain Juvenilia Part 1
Ok so here is part one, and omg I was such a retarded kid. From the handwriting and other things in the story (ie Disney) I am guessing I wrote this when I was in 7th or 8th grade, so like 12 or 13?Its AWFUL. But oh my the LULZ. And its for Fountain who is far away, Tulls and her foot and Maria and her wonked out eye. You see what I do for you bitches.
Posted by Meg at 1:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: lulz, SHAME, vid, wtf was i thinking
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Oddly appropriate
I stumbled across this and found it oddly appropriate given Praino's post and your party yesterday...
Posted by Fountain at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
So here are some of the pics of today, videos will be up soon. :)
These were the dates on the egg carton. Yay mama praino hadn't gotten new eggs in awhile.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Lulz for Maria...
So I fail at embedding things on the blog, so I'm just going to link you instead. All very lulz-worthy.
Click here plz...
Posted by Tully at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
As Promised Tulls
Posted by Meg at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: vid
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Again, thanks to Praino
Praino said something that sparked the creative side of me tonight. Much like the shark photo from last night, I give you this gem....
Yes, that IS Maria and Praino merged. Much like they were pretending to do when on gchat that one time. It's magic.
Posted by Fountain at 12:40 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sharks cross bred with people
Thanks to Praino's post about the Apple Pears and writing a caption about crossing sharks with people, I decided to make this gem...
Posted by Fountain at 1:15 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Entourage Thanksgiving Flashback
Tonight, I decided to have some wine with a friend after a short, but random road trip. I peeled the wrapper off the top of the wine to discover that it was a good wine and would need a bottle opener, instead of just being able to twist off the cap like most cheap wines I've been getting.
Because I am now on my own, you can bet that I panicked, thinking I did not have a bottle opener. In the drawer however, I found something, something that can be used to open wine.
Yes indeed, it was one of these, only a step up for the corkscrew we attempted to use during the infamous Entourage Thanksgiving. As I looked at the fated corkscrew in dismay, I suddenly flashed back to our awesome night of debauchery, randomness, wine and turkey. What happened in my kitchen was quite reminiscent of this:
It was magical. However, unlike that fateful night of Maria spouting off about potentially being covered in wine and getting pulled over and getting a DUI because I didn't have a wine opener that went like "this" (imagine Maria moving her arms down like the wine opener she was mimicking), I managed to get the cork out!
It was magical. Birds chirped, angels sang, and I got to drink my bottle of wine. I have to say I'm very proud of myself. I didn't think it could be done, getting a cork out without the fancy opener. I was wrong. I now know that I am safe to live on my own because I took on a cork and I won!
Posted by Fountain at 2:04 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New place!
So ladies, sorry I've been MIA for awhile now. I finally am "settled" in my new apartment and I did the rewrite on my comprehensive exam that I failed in May. Hopefully I passed this time, otherwise I'm kicked out of grad school. I spent some time studying with another professor in the department so with her coaching I may have pulled this off. I should find out by Tuesday.
I have grad student orientation tomorrow from 10-12:30. I get to meet all the new grads and scare them about how awful the first year is going to be. I'm thankful to not be one of them anymore! :)
My job has been kicking my ass. That's been great. I love that I have a 20 hour per week contract and I routinely work at least 30 hours. What's super awesome is that whenever one of the other grads put in extra hours, they subtract from the next week to "keep it all evened out." I hate them. I especially hate one of them, Brad. I may have mentioned him before. He nicknamed himself "Beer Guy" Tribble, because his first initials are BG. Ugh. Hate him. He complained about me to our boss too about not bending to his will and dropping whatever I'm working on to do things for him. I still haven't had time to talk to my bosses about him though because I actually do work every day instead of playing Farm Town and Mafia Wars on Facebook. So weird that I can't find extra time to complain about people...
Anyway, my apartment is starting to look better because I actually have some furniture and I bought some pictures to hang up and I got a scarf for the living room window. I need to take new pictures (I posted initial ones on Facebook) but I'm waiting to actually finish putting things away and decorating a little bit more. (Maria, I have managed to collect a lot of furniture for free because dumpster diving + spray paint = awesome, so our future apartment won't be so empty any more!)
Anyway, I hope all is well with you ladies. I expect updates on the blog now of all your lives since we clearly have a lot of stuff going on right now and aren't communicating a whole lot at the moment.
Oh, and don't forget that I'm going to Florida in October because of our friendship and the paper I wrote with all your answers! :) And by Florida I mean Disney! :)
Posted by Fountain at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sedated Maria is Sedated...Installment 1
For starters, I must educate you all on the Big Effing Cross. Located in Effingham (yes, the town's real name), the Big Effing Cross is exactly as you would image. It's big, it's a cross and it's in Effingham.
So, after my 2.5 hour drive, I figure out how to get to the cell phone lot. I hung out for a little bit and then got a call from our lovely Maria who had just landed. I made my way to the arrivals area, but Maria is standing in the shuttle bus section and the dude there won't let me just grab her and go. So I pull up farther for the place Maria was apparently supposed to be. The lady directing traffic was not happy that I was not leaving because Maria wasn't yet at my car. But no way in hell was I about to try to make the loop around. Maria caught up to me and got in the car. I don't know why these airport peeps were being mean, my car clearly has Mass license plates indicating I am not from the area (please note: it was my first time at that airport and I've decided I hate it and will never fly through there).
So, Maria gets in the car and I realize she is Sedated Maria. She's pleasant and agreeable. It's interesting. She took two pictures of us in the car upon me getting back on the highway (after dealing with the stupid GPS not doing what it's supposed to do).
After driving awhile, with Sedated Maria being agreeable the whole time, we got to the hotel. During the drive though, I told Maria I was going to have to pick up the cake topper from the florist and drop it off at the reception before the reception for Dori since I'm going to be near the hall when I go to pick up the pottery we made for her bachelorette party last week. (Notice that is two errands I am dragging Maria along on.) She was fine with all of it. Very weird. Sedated Maria is oddly agreeable and ok with everything.
When we got to the hotel, they didn't book my reservation right. For starters, they had my first name as Fountain. Sedated Maria thought this was just great. Had a good moment with that. Anyway, they booked the hotel for tomorrow night and Sunday instead of tonight. We waited forever for him to look for something and he finally found a smoking room available for tonight and tomorrow. The room smells gross. Maria went right up to the room though while I grabbed my bags from the car.
I got to the room and Sedated Maria is lounging on the bed, watching TV. I grab the laptop to check Praino's email about ComiCon in NY for October and the big news of Ed Westwick being there.
I made oatmeal cookies (not oatmeal RAISIN, just OATMEAL) and Sedated Maria got awkwardly excited about them. She joined me on the bed to chat with you ladies whilst eating cookies the whole time. She also drooled a little over the picture of EW on the ComiCon website (cookie in hand the whole time). She tried on her new dress for me and it's adorable. You'll see pictures tomorrow from the wedding. After a little while Maria decided she was going to actually nap. She climbed into bed, cookie still in hand with clothes still on.
If I haven't mentioned it, I went to the Health Service clinic yesterday to find out what's up with these ridiculous allergies. The doctor prescribed me a nasal steroid spray. When I coughed I told Maria that I wasn't sick it was just allergies and I had steroids for it so it should be fine. Sedated Maria told me that the steroids would make my balls shrink to the size of raisins. Yes, that really did happen.
Praino during our chat asked if Maria resembled Lindsey Lohan:
Oddly, she does. See for yourself.
We love Sedated Maria though. She's kinda fun to play with. She's also a drug peddler though. That's a little bit scary. She offered me Xanax at least three times in just the first hour and a half together. Yup, Sedated Maria is actually Drug Dealer Maria.
I'll keep you ladies updated though on further developments in this adventure in the midwest.
P.S. I neglected to tell Maria that the church is in Illinois, just over the Missouri border, hence she thought she was getting away with not being in IL and I tricked her. Muahahahaha!
Posted by Fountain at 4:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Ed Westwick, Maria, midwest, sedation
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Roadtrip 2010 Gchat convo
Here's the conversation that transpired between Maria and myself about the Roadtrip '10:
Maria: also, you know you're so in for roadtrip 10
me: 28. figuring out how to do blog updates from the road
me: what else needs to be on this list?
Praino: ok
Maria: I just want to get a pic with pino
Praino: anyways back to what we want to see
Maria: that's fine
Maria: do i ever?
me: that's a fair statement praino
Praino: that scares me, what if its some crazy clause in there
Praino: scanning through this convo- and its made of crazy. and i love it
Posted by Fountain at 10:24 PM 0 comments