Ok, so instead of posting a picture of myself, I thought it would be more appropriate to steal Praino's picture and use that for my Entourage Secret & Confession blog.
So here it goes: I am terrified of the kids I'm teaching!
One looks like she wants to get up, run to the front of the room, and bitch slap me the first chance she gets. Another one won't shut up and appears to be trying to piss me off my talking about how much she hates public speaking. (See the irony there?) Oh, and then, there's another one in my morning class who didn't show up for the first day and tried to smooth things over (because he's sure he's that super charming) by stating in his introduction speech "My roommate and I were up until 6am and when I woke up again it was already noon, and I was like, 'oh crap, I hope my speech teacher doesn't hate me!'" I'm scared of all of them. I'm pretty sure they're going to catch on to the fact that I've got a BA and I'm still taking classes and I'm only like, 3 years older than all of them.
That's my confession guys. Don't judge me.
Oh Fountain, don't be scared. Just remember that you hold the fate of their ungrateful freshman (and sophomore, in some cases) asses in your hands. Sort of. Let's just say that you own them.
Also, this boy sounds like a tool. You should totally put him in his place.
Yes, I do own them at the moment. They need a C or better to pass this class and if they don't, they have to take it again. Sucks for them!
I would like to put him in his place - he thinks he is pretty much the best thing on earth so it's going to be fun figuring out how to knock him down a peg.
yea that kid needs to be knocked down a few pegs. i think your goal this semester is to take all these kids down a peg.
as tulls says, you do hold their asses in you hands (metaphorically, not physically-- that too many people and prob some form of sexual harassment)
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