Thursday, September 18, 2008

Resume time? I think so...

So yes, I'm feeling that it's time to start more actively pursuing some other career opportunities. Even though I probably won't make any moves until after the first of the year, I'm so ready to get the ball rolling with things. I've spent this whole week languishing in front of spreadsheets of orders and billing from the past year, making sure everything has been processed and closed out. I realized when I took this job that it wasn't really editorial, but I so didn't sign on for the crap busy work they're giving us now. Needless to say, my cohorts and I are all feeling rather resentful this week. It's not that we have anything else to do (honestly, we really don't), but certainly someone could come up with something more useful/cooler, etc. for us to do during the day.

The only plus is that we all get half day Fridays through early October, so I get to leave the office at 12:30 tomorrow. I fully intend on coming home and sleeping lots and lots and lots.


Meg said...

Poor tulls, that sucks. :(

BUT getting out at 12:30, thats kinda awesome :) so that helps a bit!

Ps we are going to hang out one of those fridays and you are going to like it.

Maria said...

I'm sorry Tulls. If it's any consolation, I will be making a big post over the weekend about the craziness that is my job right now. Maybe even a vlog, because I got a webcam.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. We may be hiring another Assistant Editor soon.

Fountain said...

Hey Tully, I hear that Illinois is a great place to live...

perhaps you should look for jobs there. Chicago is rather nice. So isn't St. Louis...and Indianapolis...