Sunday, September 14, 2008

I think maria had a post like this a few months back about rpattz.... so its like that only instead starring Ben Barnes

OK girls, so i had this dream last night that I was in a CVS aisle:

When who do I see but Ben Barnes:

And he was all:

Then he came over:

And talked to me ( pretend I am this bitch instead):

Then we got married:

Yup, it was awesome- maybe i should go to CVS for real and see if Ben Barnes is there waiting for me.

This post has been approved by sex-on-a-stick:


Maria said...

ben barnes is love

Fountain said...

You are great Praino.

Tully said...

Oh Praino, you would have loved the Prince Caspian billboard I drove by on the way to the train station every day.

Meg said...

Maria: Yes, yes he is.

Fountain: lol

Tulls: I totes would have