Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Maria and I were talking and...

She said TRUFAX!!!!!!

I have never been so scared in my entire life. I was more scared than this:
Yeah, it scared me more than zombies scare me. That's not good. That's absolutely terrifying! It needs to stop. The morph into one person between Praino and Maria needs to end, IMMEDIATELY!
Tully - do something about this!!!!


Tully said...

I would stop it dear, but there's a slight problem...the morphing has expanded to the point where all THREE of us are morphing. They're sucking me in Fountain.

Meg said...

thats right; fountain we can't help it- the morph is too strong for us.

Fountain said...

It's like a weird Jedi mind trick or something...

Meg said...

Fountain, if i had a jedi mind trick i would use it to trick you home.

Fountain said...

Hahaha! Good one!

Meg said...

thank you love. i do what i can.